Creative Writing Major

Creative Writing Major at Providence College

The Creative Writing Major at Providence College offers a rich mix of creative writing and literature courses that provides students the rare opportunity to complement their creative writing skills with an essential complement of literature courses that arc from Chaucer to contemporary fiction and poetry.

Creative Writing majors work with distinguished poets, fiction writers, and scholars in both classroom and tutorial settings as they develop their creative writing talent and critical acumen. Students may choose between fiction, poetry, and prose poetry as areas of particular concentration in preparing their final portfolios. In addition to working closely with their respective Creative Writing professors, students are also invited to meet with eminent guest poets and fiction writers from the Poetry and Fiction Series to discuss their work.

This major prepares students for further study in either MFA or PhD programs, as well as for any profession that requires accomplished writing skills.

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Writing Minor

Interested in literature, poetry, or journalism? Then, our Writing minor is for you. The dynamic, 18-credit minor complements nearly every major — from the arts and sciences to business and humanities disciplines—by focusing on sharpening written communication and reading skills.